Get ready for Brexit
Posted on 10th September 2019 at 12:15

Get ready for Brexit
The UK Government have announced that the UK will leave the European Union "come what may" on the 31st October. Whilst this has been fiercely debated in Parliament over the past week with calls for an extension to Article 50, the Prime Minister has stated he will not ask for an extension.
We understand that our customers may well be feeling confused about what direction the UK is going in and whether there will be a deal agreed or whether the UK will leave with a no deal on the 31st October.
There has been very little information published about how to prepare for Brexit until now.......
The Government have recently launched a new website about how to prepare for Brexit. We have looked through this and found it to be a handy tool for individuals and businesses and would recommend anyone wishing to prepare for Brexit as best as possible to have a look. Please use the below link to access the site.
If you are an importer or exporter in the UK and would like to discuss how we can help with any future shipments you may have, please don't hesitate to contact our team who will be more than happy to help you.
Tagged as: Brexit, Customs Clearance, European Trade, European Union, Exports, Haulage, Imports, United Kingdom
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